Ensuring the confidentiality of information about a person involved in criminal proceedings: selected issues and solutions
security measures, ensuring the confidentiality of personal information, changed personal data, procedural actions in court, participants in criminal proceedings, investigator, prosecutor, judge, court secretary, algorithmAbstract
The article highlights the problem of practical implementation of such a security measure that can be applied to participants in criminal proceedings, such as ensuring the confidentiality of personal information. It is analyzed the views diversity of investigators, prosecutors, judges and lawyers on the algorithm of application of ensuring the personal data confidentiality, on the issue of storage of resolutions (decisions) on the application of this security measure in criminal proceedings.
The practice of conducting procedural actions in court with persons whose personal data have been changed is studied separately. The peculiarities of interrogation, identification with protected participants of criminal proceedings in the mode of videoconference and in a closed court session are studied. Previous attempts to solve this problem by developing a Model Instruction on conducting court proceedings with witnesses, victims and other participants in criminal proceedings, in respect of whom security measures have been taken, are considered.
According to the analysis results of the domestic legislation on security of participants in criminal proceedings and identification of gaps, after conducting a survey of current investigators, prosecutors, judges and lawyers, the generalization of modern practice of criminal proceedings with the participation of protected persons is made.
The purpose of this research is to formulate proposals for a unified and mandatory for all participants in criminal proceedings procedure for working with persons whose personal data are changed for security purposes at all stages of criminal proceedings.
The expediency of enshrining at the bylaw level in a separate normative legal act an algorithm for carrying out procedural actions in court with participants in criminal proceedings, which would meet the requirements of current legislation, including the provisions of the Data Summary constituting a state secret, is substantiated.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Talyzina Ya. O., Titko I. A.
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