Administrative responsibility and administrative offense




administrative responsibility, administrative offense, misconduct, criminal offense, criminal liability, the social nature of the offense, punishment


Administrative liability, as a type of legal coercion, is important for maintaining law and order, protection of an individual, protection of human rights and freedoms, performance of tasks and functions of the state. The description of administrative liability, given in the article, is connected with its inherent features and peculiarities of an administrative offense (misdemeanour). The most significant attention is paid to the issue, connected with public danger of an illegal act, taking into account the conceptual changes in criminal legislation, and, thus, criminal liability and as a consequence of administrative liability. The concept of reforming the Criminal Legislation provides for the preparation in addition to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Code (Law) on Criminal Offenses (misdemeanours) and the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. Taking into account the emergence of the phenomenon of “criminal misdemeanours” in the legislation of Ukraine, for committing of which there is criminal liability before the court (the judge), the author raises the question of defining such criminal offense as a socially dangerous act, but of less public danger than a crime, and all other misdemeanours (administrative) should be considered harmful, but not socially dangerous. Cases of such misdemeanours should be considered during administrative proceedings, according to the (procedural) rules defined in the Code on Administrative Offenses.

Using the experience of legal regulation of European countries, we thus implement our legislation to the European one, but taking into account our national traditions and maintaining the fundamental principles of criminal law and maintaining such principles regarding administrative liability. So, criminal liability arises only in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Code (Law) on Criminal Offenses (misdemeanours) as socially dangerous acts, and administrative liability arises in accordance with the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (misdemeanours) that are not socially dangerous.

Author Biography

Юрій Прокопович Битяк, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

доктор юридичних наук, професор,

перший проректор


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How to Cite

Битяк, Ю. П. (2020). Administrative responsibility and administrative offense. Problems of Legality, (151), 87–100.

