European Security Architecture at the end of the XVIII – the first half of the XIX century
security architecture, Balance of power, Napoleon, European federation, Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), Vienna system of international relationsAbstract
Taking into account the new dangerous challenges to the modern international legal order and security system, politicians and scholars are faced with the question of the timeliness and validity of the revision of established conceptual approaches to the construction of international and European security architecture. Since the beginning of the XXI century there are more and more calls to significantly update the current international order, its institutions, norms and rules, which emerged after 1945 (especially the UN Security Council). In this regard, the study of the evolution of previous systems of international relations and security systems based on them (in particular the Vienna system) is relevant and of a practical significance. Regarding the «European Concert» as a core of the Viennese architecture of European security (1815–1914) there is a general ambiguous attitude in historiography, which prevents it from being properly assessed, as well as to trace the evolution of the Vienna system, its relationship with subsequent international systems, to assess the possibility of using its elements to design future international systems. It determines the attention caused by the formation, development and decline of the Vienna system. One of the concepts that require to be reconsidered in this context is the «balance of power», the theoretical foundations of which were mainly formed during the Vienna system. Over time, the content of the concept of «balance of power» changed markedly and was supplemented with new elements, which caused the conceptual ambiguity of the term. As a result of the development of international relations, changes in approaches to global and regional security, there is a need for a critical analysis of the «balance of power», its new conceptual models that explain the behavior of world politics’ subjects.
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