European union disability policy: supranational level of legal regulation
persons with disabilities, disability rights, Equal Rights, social model, European Union, Social Policy, competence, Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesAbstract
In the modern European Union, disability policy (which was paid extremely little attention in the framework of traditional social policy in the late twentieth century) became one of the priorities of legal regulation. Today, this area of social policy includes not only social protection and integration in the labor market, but also takes care of the problem of ensuring equal rights and non-discrimination. In the context of this evolution, the article examines these questions: what is the legal nature of the European Union? What impact does the emergence of a supranational level of legal regulation have on disability policy? How does the international law and European legal regulation in the field of disability relate? How has the terminology changed in the regulations of the international, regional and national levels? How has EU disability policy evolved and what factors influenced on it? The article presents the results of a systematic analysis of EU regulations on disability policy, covering the period from 1951 to 2020.
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