European social model: a new paradigm of social state development
welfare state, social state, social policy, innovative economy, typology, new paradigm, European Social Model, European Union, European integration, sovereigntyAbstract
The social state is one of the key principles of the constitutional system of modern states. Although the issue of social statehood has been the subject of many interdisciplinary studies, it still remains relevant and causes scientific discussions both as a result of periodic revision of paradigms of state development as such and as a result of rapid globalization and regional integration. The decline of the social state has been repeatedly predicted. In this regard, it should be noted that in the process of discussing the state of the social state development should distinguish crisis myths from crisis realities, to identify probable trajectories of its development.
The article is aimed at drawing researchers' attention to the transformation of the process of functioning of the welfare state in the context of European integration. It is undeniable that the economics of the EU member states are now almost out of the control of national governments, while the social consequences of this process - unemployment, migration - remain the subject of legal regulation of national states. Together with domestic and foreign researchers, the authors raise the topical question: will the introduction of the European social model lead to changes or even to the abolition of national models of social policy? Is social policy a priority of the European Union and to what extent does it depend on the EU’s economic situation? Are the functions of the welfare state changing in the context of the country's membership in the European Union? Does the state retain its sovereignty by delegating its key functions to the EU? What are the consequences for individuals of changing the paradigm of the welfare state in an innovative economy conditions?
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