Philosophical and psychological approaches to understanding reconstructive activity




reconstructive activity, reconstruction, reconstructive reflection, activity, structure of activity


The article examines the essence of reconstructive activity as a special type of activity that is of key importance for the pre-trial investigation of crimes. From the point of view of philosophical and psychological approaches the components of the researched concept, namely reconstruction and activity are considered. A separate study of these concepts from a philosophical and psychological point of view is necessary to understand their essence. The essence and place of reconstructive activity from the criminalistics point of view are considered. The study of reconstructive activity is quite relevant, because in fact this type of activity, through its main feature, namely reproduction, provides an opportunity to investigate a criminal offense, which in turn always occurs in the past against a person authorized to investigate a crime. The article analyzes different approaches to understanding reconstruction. There is no single point of view on understanding reconstruction, even within a single field of knowledge. From a philosophical point of view, reconstruction is usually considered from the point of view of the history of philosophy. That is, in the aspect of reproduction of philosophical ideas, theories, views, knowledge, etc., taking into account the conditions that influenced their origin and existence. From a psychological point of view, reconstruction is understood as the reproduction of certain objects, phenomena, objects, etc. in the human mind. It is established that the key feature of reconstruction, regardless of the approach of understanding is the reproduction of relevant objects, phenomena, objects, etc. The second element of the studied concept is activity. Different approaches to understanding the activity are analyzed. It is established that the key feature of the activity is that it is aimed at meeting human needs by changing the world around us. Regardless of the type of reconstruction that needs to be carried out by the person authorized to investigate the crime, it will always be implemented through activities, i.e. activities are a form of reconstruction. The article provides a definition of reconstructive activity.

Author Biography

Андрій Олександрович Григоренко, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Criminalistics


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How to Cite

Григоренко, А. О. (2020). Philosophical and psychological approaches to understanding reconstructive activity. Problems of Legality, (151), 154–165.

