Legal aspects of counteracting phishing: the European Union experience
cyberspace, cybersecurity, cybercrime, online fraud, phishing, anti-phishing tools, criminal law, European UnionAbstract
Cybersecurity is increasingly seen as a fundamental problem of the state, which comprehensively affects its security and defense, economy, certain spheres of public life, in particular energy, health care and others. Reliable operation of data networks, computer systems and mobile devices is a prerequisite for the effective state and society functioning, an individual’s life. The reliability of key public information systems depends on many factors: cyberattacks, hardware and software failures, and all kinds of errors. The significant increase in the number of incidents in cyberspace necessitates a systematic analysis of sources of threats, the first place among which is phishing. The introduction of criminal responsibility for phishing is complicated by the fact that "phishing" is an "umbrella" concept that covers a number of launched or committed crimes. From criminal law point of view, phishing attacks can correspond to different categories of crimes (extortion, fraud, blackmail, offenses related to the processing of personal data, etc.). The attempt by some states to impose criminal penalties for phishing at the national level does not solve the problem, since it is not difficult for phishers who work worldwide to cross national barriers. That is still the reason why counteracting cybercrime requires significant efforts not only by individual states but also by international organizations, in particular by the European Union.References
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