The types of of criminal law remedies
criminal law, criminal liability, punishment, other measures of a criminal law nature, exemption from criminal liability, exemption from punishmentAbstract
The article contains structured criminal-law remedies and the accumulated amount of knowledge about them. It has been established that the structuring of the system of criminal legal meaning begins with the advent of “multicolumnite” of criminal law. It was determined that the classification of criminal law remedies by way of suffering two drawbacks: the inability to clearly outline the range of those criminal law meanings that are allocated to the “ways” of criminal law influence; and the lack of a clear criterion for the distribution of criminal law meanings between separate “paths”. Depending on the peculiarities of the combination of coercion and encouragement in the application of a particular criminal legal meaning, they are divided into incentive and coercive. The compulsory nature of incentive measures is exemplified. According to the criterion of the presence or absence of punitive properties in criminal legal meaning, they are divided into two groups: punitive and non-punitive. The disadvantages of existing classifications are explained.
It is offered to separate the classification of criminal law remedies that determine the criminal legal consequences of committing a criminal offence from criminal law remedies, regarding such an offence as the institution of criminal law. Depending on the role of meaning in legal regulation, they can be divided into meanings of establishment and meanings of action. Criminal legal meanings determine those provisions of the criminal law that determine the types and sizes of influence on the legal status of a person in connection with the commission of a criminal offence. Criminal legal means of action are the practical implementation of the powers of the state defined by the criminal law on the application of criminal legal means of decrees to specific entities.
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