Tactics of detection and documentation of operating subsits of illegal migration as one of the organized crime activities
illegal migration, organized crime, transnational, detection, documentation, operational units, improvementsAbstract
In accordance with the purpose of the research, the article formulates recommendations for improving the tactics of detecting and documenting operational units of illegal migration related to organized (transnational) crime. A number of theoretical propositions and practical recommendations of theoretical and practical importance are substantiated, in particular:
The spread of organized (transnational) crime in the area of illegal migration is primarily due to the extra profits (huge costs) from the organization of channels of illegal migration.
Economic, social, cultural, political and economic factors are decisive factors affecting illegal migration processes, and the corrupt law enforcement and governmental links with organized (transnational) crime provide unimpeded conditions for such crime to be committed. with illegal migration.
The increase in the number of illegal migrants, above all, directly influences the dynamics of growth in the level of certain types of offenses. At the same time, the analysis of scientific research shows that an illegal migrant should be considered (identified) not only from the perspective of the offender but also from the perspective of the victim. Moreover, the analysis of the background indicates that illegal migrants are potential victims of trafficking in human beings. In view of the above, it can be concluded that these crimes are interconnected, as illegal migration to some extent affects the dynamics of the spread of crimes related to trafficking in human beings.
When choosing the most successful tactic for detecting and documenting the organization of organized (transnational) crime of smuggling persons across the state border or committing crimes related to trafficking in human beings, an employee of the operational unit for the rational use of forces, means, methods and forms of operative activities should have knowledge of the specific features that distinguish illegal migration from trafficking in human beings (68.3 % of respondents said this).
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