On the correlation and interconnection of conceptual apparatuses of the criminal cycle sciences
conceptual apparatus of the criminal cycle sciences, legal categories, legal concepts, legal terminology, differentiation of sciences, integration of sciences, interdisciplinary categories, concepts, terminologyAbstract
The article examines the relationship and interconnectedness of the conceptual apparatus of the criminal cycle sciences: criminal, criminal procedural, labor law, criminology, forensics based on the methods of differentiation and integration. The differentiation method allows you to subdivide the corresponding amount of knowledge into certain groups and consider them as independent sciences; integration method – reveals the processes of convergence, and interaction of sciences, their interpenetration at the level of individual elements of their conceptual apparatuses of these sciences, legal categories, concepts of legal terminology. The formulated provisions and proposals for the correlation and interconnection of the conceptual apparatus of the criminal cycle sciences are important both for the organization and conduct of scientific research in the specified sciences, as well as for solving practical issues in the field of combating crime, in particular in law-making and law enforcement activities. The decisive dominant in this activity and the main goal here should be to achieve the coherence and consistency of the conceptual apparatus of the criminal cycle sciences - their categories, concepts and legal terminology, especially in situations where one branch of knowledge (science) uses certain elements of the conceptual apparatus of another. In such cases, the relevant categories of concepts and terms belonging to the class of "interdisciplinary" should be interpreted in the above cases on the basis of the above-mentioned scientific principles. On this basis, we consider it inadmissible to differently define and interpret the same categories, concepts and legal terms used in related (related), but still different sciences of the criminal cycle, and belong to the class of "interdisciplinary". Crucial in this case is their interpretation in criminal law. This is of particular importance in the sciences to which the subject matter (as their normative-legal basis) is relevant branches of law: criminal, criminal-procedural, criminal executive. These legislative systems must be clearly coordinated and their conceptual apparatus logically consistent, contradictions and different interpretations of the same categories, concepts and terms in these different (but related) branches of law are inadmissible.
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