Administrative and legal regimes in the economic activity sphere
legal regime, administrative and legal regime of economic activity, administrative and legal regime of state-owned objects in economic activity, primary administrative and legal regime, secondary administrative and legal regimes, general administrative and legal regimeAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the administrative and legal regime in the economic activity sphere. It is revealed that in the scientific and educational administrative and legal literature administrative and legal regime is considered in 2 meanings: as a special order that is imposed in relation to a certain or territory, or object, or situation or as an order in general. It is determined that the administrative and legal regime in the economic activity sphere is established as a result of the implementation of state governance in the relevant sphere. It is offered the author`s understanding of the concept of «administrative and legal regime in the economic activity sphere».
It is noted that it is necessary to distinguish between the macro level and the micro level of state governance in the economic activity sphere for defining the administrative and legal regime as a result of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of state governance. Different definitions of administrative and legal regimes are proposed that are based on consider of differ objects of governance in the economic activity sphere - economic activity as a whole (macro level) and objects of state property in economic activity (micro level). It was determined that in the case of state governance in the economic activity sphere at the macro level it is an administrative and legal regime of economic activity, at the micro level - the administrative and legal regime of objects of state property in economic activity.
The characteristic features of the administrative and legal regime of economic activity are offered on the basis of the analysis of scientific views on the concept of administrative and legal regime and taking into account the specifics of state governance in the economic activity sphere and economic activity. It is established that the administrative and legal regime of economic activity as a whole is a functional regime and provides for settlement of all those issues that are proposed to be attributed to administrative and economic law. It is proposed to classify administrative and legal regimes in the economic activity sphere on the macro level into primary and secondary, at the micro level - into general and special.
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