Modernstate and trends in the development of criminalistics: actual problems of today
trends of development of criminalistics, methodology of criminalistics, the "crisis" of criminalistics, methodology of criminalistics investigation, integrative function of criminalistics science, the methodology of criminalistics researchAbstract
The author discusses the debatable problems of the theory and methodology of criminalistics, analyzes the trends and prospects for its development. It is determined that the formation and modern development of criminalistics as an independent science is naturally associated with arise in the sphere of fight against crime, functions and objectives of this science, and naturally associated with the formation of a system of scientific methods. It is impossible to ensure the further development of forensic science in developing the effectiveness of organizaciono-tactical counter crime and not improving the theoretical and methodological basis of criminalistics. Recently, however, in the criminalistics literature there are opposing opinions and approaches of occurrence of the different nature of the critical judgments to the traditional theory and methodology of criminalistics, as well as criticism of the concept of general theory of criminalistics. It is increasingly possible to meet the approval of certain scientists about the so-called-my idea of "crisis" in criminalistics and its methodological problems.
Proves that it is not "ideas crisis", and the idea of objective and the further development of criminalistics should dominate in forensic investigations in the light of contemporary state of development of science, traditions of criminalistics, which would become the foundation of the ideology of criminalistics thinking and identify promising areas for further research. Further research requires integrative function of criminalistics, applying systemic-structural activity, functional, process-oriented approaches, strengthening the practical orientation of forensic research that will raise modern science to a qualitatively new level of development.
Is determined that the subject matter of the analysis of the current state of the trends and prospects of development of criminalistics, its theoretical and methodological foundations is the most important areas of forensic doctrine. Scientific approaches and proposals for solving the identified discussion problems of the theory and methodology of criminalistics science are formulated.
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