Legal act as a source of environmental law




legal act, legal protection of nature, signs, functions, quantitative indices


The article deals with the role and place of legal acts in the system of sources of environmental law, by considering their functions and features. The study of the place and role of normative legal act in the system of sources of law requires consideration of functions because they find their expression of the essence and social significance of this category. These include the following: 1) political, through the adoption of normative legal acts consolidates doctrinal approaches to the decision of environmental tasks; 2) legal establishment is connected with the implementation of specific tasks in the environmental sphere, on the basis of the creation of new legal norms; 3) regulatory is expressed in the establishment of positive rules of conduct, the granting of rights and the assignment of legal obligations to subjects of law; 4) the guard has always occupied a significant place in environmental regulatory acts in times of Kyiv Rus, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Kozatsky-Hetman State, the UNR, the Ukrainian SSR   and the independent Ukraine; 5) management was reflected in the creation of a system of organs related to the protection of natural resources, among which was the Regulations on the People's Commissariat of Land Affairs of 1923, the Regulations on All-Ukrainian Forest Management, approved by the Decree of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee in 1927, the Mining Inspection , created on the basis of the Mining Code of the USSR in 1928; 6) informational establishes the main directions of activity on the development of the information sphere in relation to the relations related to the protection, use and reproduction of natural objects; 7) historical and cultural related to the need to raise the level of society's culture, knowledge of history and the role of natural objects in preserving nature; 8) the ideological found in Soviet times by consolidating the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR in 1978, which stated that natural objects are a national property, are only owned by a socialist state and can not be transferred for private use; 9) educational is related to the improvement of the population, especially young people, views on the protection of nature, reflected in various provisions of legal acts. It is shown that in laws adopted in the Soviet and independent Ukraine a significant amount of material was devoted to security and management functions, the tendency of the gradual complication of the structure of legal acts was proved, which changed with time for simpler and more accessible for practical use.

An important characteristic of normative legal acts is their features, which allow to characterize in detail the essence of this phenomenon. Among the features include the following: 1) the reflection of public interests; 2) structure, documentary form of consolidation; 3) content; 4) the adoption by the state body, in the prescribed manner; 5) obligatory to perform, 6) it is provided by the system of state guarantees; 7) publication in special editions, operates in time, space and in relation to the circle of persons; 8) presence of legal force.

Author Biography

Борис Киндюк, Institute of legislation of the Supreme Council of Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor


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How to Cite

Киндюк, Б. (2019). Legal act as a source of environmental law. Problems of Legality, (145), 23–35.

