Subjects of criminal proceedings and juvenile justice, which carry out prevention of crime of minors in FRG


  • Анастасія Юріївна Дзюба Аcademician Stashis Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems National Ukrainian Academy of Law Sciences, Ukraine



, juvenile justice of the Federal Republic of Germany, Subjects of prevention of juvenile delinquency in the FR, re-socialization of juvenile offenders, the idea of accomplishment


The article is devoted to the study of certain aspects of the functioning of the juvenile justice bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany, which carry out the prevention of juvenile delinquency. In particular, the police, probation services, educational institutions, judiciary, employment services and other organs of juvenile justice of the Federal Republic of Germany. The author has studied and analyzed modern scientific literature, original results of scientific research and the legal framework of a foreign language country in the original language. The basic principles of work and peculiarities of functioning of each separate subject of juvenile delinquency prevention in the Federal Republic of Germany are analyzed, as well as the expediency and possibility of harmonizing the work of juvenile justice bodies in Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany. The necessity of close cooperation and more thorough coordination of work between state authorities, local self-government and youth organizations, volunteer movements, private sector entities, and other non-state associations were substantiated. Studying the experience of working with minors in the relevant structures of Germany is especially important for our country towards the introduction of European standards in the field of juvenile justice, which is a priority within the framework of interaction between Ukraine and the EU, especially taking into account in the implementation of modern trends of criminal-law and criminological policy on the reform of the juvenile justice bodies of Ukraine. The importance of work of the juvenile justice bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany is emphasized in the fundamental idea of accomplishment, which is embodied in the special juvenile criminal legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, and in its use by the relevant authorities in practice.

Author Biography

Анастасія Юріївна Дзюба, Аcademician Stashis Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems National Ukrainian Academy of Law Sciences

Junior researcher


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How to Cite

Дзюба, А. Ю. (2018). Subjects of criminal proceedings and juvenile justice, which carry out prevention of crime of minors in FRG. Problems of Legality, (143), 191–201.

