Principles of a market economy and principles of management as the basic provisions of economic legislation


  • Тетяна Анатоліївна Лавренюк Національний юридичний університ імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



principles of law, principles of economic law, principles of commercial law, branch principles of law, principles of management, principles of market economy, the basis of economic law and order


The article is devoted to the analysis and research of the problem of the relations between the concepts of the principles of a market economy to the principles of management in the context of further clarification and study of the concept and content of the principles of economic law as the basis of economic law, which can improve the efficiency of economic legislation, to cause it to a systemic nature and increase the efficiency of lawmaking activities in the field of economic law.

It is concluded that the principles of management and the principles of economic law are not identical concepts. The principles of management are an economic category, and the principles of economic law are legal.

The principles of management are the basic principles of the functioning of the economic mechanism, aimed at harmonizing private and public interests in the economic sphere, with the aim of increasing the social efficiency of economic activity. They are the principles for economic entities to carry out economic activities at micro and macro levels in the conditions of carry out this activity on the basis of market coordination.

The principles of management should be based on the principles of a market economy, reflecting the peculiarities of a certain type of economy and reflecting the economic model of the national economy, taking into account objective economic laws and having the goal of improving the efficiency of economic activity.

The principles of a market economy are the basic factors that ensure the functioning of a market economy as an economic system of a certain type and ensure the reproduction of the conditions of its existence.

The principles of the market economy and the principles of economic management have an intermediate conceptual value for the study of the principles of economic law, they should be the initial basis for determining the principles of economic law, shifting economic laws to the language of law.

Author Biography

Тетяна Анатоліївна Лавренюк, Національний юридичний університ імені Ярослава Мудрого

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How to Cite

Лавренюк, Т. А. (2018). Principles of a market economy and principles of management as the basic provisions of economic legislation. Problems of Legality, (143), 99–107.

