Some issues of protection and preservation of ecological systems




protection, ecosystem, agro ecosystem, agricultural landscaping, soils


This article reviews and analyzes national and international legislation on the protection of natural ecological systems and other types of them. The scientific views on the concept of ecological system, agrarian ecological system, agro landscape are investigated. System analysis of legislation in the field of protection and preservation of ecological systems allows to state that it is at the stage of formation and needs improvement. It is emphasized that the legal mechanism for protecting and preserving both natural ecological systems and other types of them is fragmentary and needs substantial improvement.

The author of the article emphasizes that for the maintenance and proper functioning of ecological systems, regardless of whether they are created artificially or naturally, any activity permitted by law must be carried out in compliance with the requirements for the protection of land, soils and other natural resources, the preservation of interconnections and the interaction of all the components that are part of the ecosystem. In addition, the issue of preserving ecological systems, maintaining their integrity should be considered as one of the strategic objectives of the state ecological and land policy of the country.

It is important to note that ecosystems are changing (and sometimes destroyed) under the influence of industrial and other human activities, which leads to irreversible negative changes in the natural environment. Thus, there is a need for the allocation and consolidation of ecosystems as a special object of protection at the legislative level. As well as more detailed regulation in the legislation of the provisions on their protection and restoration.

Author Biography

Світлана Володимирівна Шарапова, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD in Law, Docent, associate professor of the Department of Land and Agrarian Law


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How to Cite

Шарапова, С. В. (2018). Some issues of protection and preservation of ecological systems. Problems of Legality, (142), 149–157.

