The Modern Status and Trends of Detection of Criminal Corruption Offenses in Ukraine
corruption, corruptionoffenses, criminal corruption offenses, statistical data, latencyAbstract
The article is devoted to the consideration of the main quantitative and qualitative statistical indicators of the results of activities of law enforcement bodies and courts in detection of corruption offenses for a period from 2014 to 2017. The annual official data show that 2400 people were exposed in committing criminal corruption offenses in 2017, which is 22 % more than in the previous year. The number of persons convicted for committed corruption crimes was as follows: in 2015 –755, in2016 – 492 persons, in 2017 the number has increased threefold – to 1692 persons. But only 6 % of the perpetrators were imprisoned (107 persons). 50 % of corruption cases were penalized by a fine as main punishment.
The author stressed the fact that in 2014–2016 top-ranked state officials and civil servants of 1–2 categories (the highest group) were not convicted for corruption criminal offenses. 2 civil servants of this category were convicted in 2017. For the mentioned term of time, no member of Verkhovna Rada was convicted of criminal corruption offenses either. Damages caused by criminal corruption offenses (after criminal proceedings finished by investigation) amounted to 16, 329 billion UAH (approximately 142,36 million Euros). Damages repaid amounted to 312,5 million UAH, which is approximately 2 % of the total amount of material damages. Finally, we conclude that the system of criminal justice cannot adequately detect, investigate, and prosecute corrupt officials since the system is just as corrupt as other state institutions. Despite the proclaimed and partly implemented reforms, the self-cleaning of law enforcement agencies from corrupt officials did not take place. Subjects of political corruption remain intact. The official statistics show a distorted "picture of the fight" with criminal corruption offenses, which are almost entirely in a latent state.
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