Some issues of rational use of land for forestry purposes
protection, land, rational use, degradation, soilsAbstract
Productivity and qualitative state of the lands of forestry depend on efficient and rational use by land users of these lands. The greatest negative impact on soils is detected in the process of their use. Inappropriate use of forest lands leads to a decrease in their productivity, which directly affects the soil fertility and ultimately leads to land degradation. The choice of the topic of the article is determined by the relevance of the problems raised in it concerning the rational use of land, their degradation.
A progressive course of land degradation, including forestry, leads in the first place to the loss of their productivity. Unfortunately, nowadays the use of land and other natural resources does not meet the requirements of rational nature management. Land resources of Ukraine are characterized by an extremely high level of development, there is also insufficient economic and ecological substantiation of the distribution of land by purpose, lack of attention to land protection problems has led to a decrease in the area of productive lands, all this leads to land depletion, soil fertility decline, degradation, etc.
Failure by land users to meet the requirements for rational and efficient use of land leads to a decrease in the area of productive lands of forest management, and to deterioration of the quality state of these lands, as well as forest resources. Thus, the organization of rational use of forest lands is a priority task in preserving and improving the productivity of these lands.
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