The development of unitary relations in Ukraine as one of the conditions for the formation of a modern legal system
legal system, unitary state, federation, decentralizationAbstract
modern Ukraine on the way of reforming the legal system in accordance with European standards. It is concluded that at the present stage of state building the unitary form of the state structure is optimal. At the same time, practical actions are needed in the direction of decentralization of state power to create a civilized state. The great influence on the development of the modern legal system of Ukraine is due to the integration of the legal norms and principles generally recognized by the world community into its structure. Today, there are not so many states, which, having emerged as unitary, then changed the form of government into federal. The process of studying various types of unitary states should be based on a clear methodological basis. Ukrainians have confirmed that they are Europeans who profess the same values of democracy and citizens of European countries that have a decent standard of living for people. Democracy in the state, sovereignty and independence are provided not by changes in the territorial structure, but, in particular, by stable economic growth. Over the past decades, there have been processes of transformation of federal states into unitary ones, without making any changes to the constitution. According to studies by most experts, for our country the optimal form of government is the unitary decentralized state. The author defends the preservation of the unitary character of the Ukrainian state at a certain decentralization of power, development of the institution of local government and improves the structure of Parliament. We must build the newest Ukraine with a modern legal system, focusing on best practices, but not trying to copy even the best world examples.
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