About the question of the correspondence of the self-preservation to the self-defense of the property rights in Ukraine
self-defense, security means, signaling, striking, locking, security alarm and mixed-type meansAbstract
The issue of protection and its relationship with self-defense is relevant in the legal literature due to the absence of clear criteria for their differentiation and existence of sharp discussions of civilians.
Some civilists emphasize that the concepts of "defense" and "protection" do not coincide (O. M. Nechaeva, I. M. Osolinker). It is not accidental that there is no such term as "self-protection". In general, self-defense and self-protection may reflect definite stages of the mechanism of protection development as a reaction to the wrongful acts of the subjects of law. By installing security means and / or mechanisms, the subject thereby protects his/her rights and legitimate interests.
The author believes that the proposed criterion and approach in general is rational, since preventive mechanisms (devices, appliances, equipment, etc.) can independently carry out protective functions and inform about the violations of the rights of the subject (or threat to violation of his rights) after the prevention of such threat, or termination of the violation itself.
All means of protection can be divided into striking, locking, signaling and of mixed types. The responsibility of the owner of such means before the persons who have suffered from the corresponding damage will be decided depending on the presence of signs of unlawfulness in the actions of such persons. In the absence of unlawfulness, the damage is compensated by the owner of the protective means in a full amount, and in the presence of an offense, this issue is solved taking in account the limits of self-defense in determining the means of protection with the means of self-defense.
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