Comparative characteristics of electronic, cash and cashless money
money, money function, legal means of payment, forms of money, non-cash money, electronic money, cash money, civil rights objectsAbstract
The development of information technology, e-commerce caused the appearance of such phenomena as electronic money. With the emergence of such a phenomenon as electronic money in civilization, the question arose about the peculiarities of their legal regime and place among objects of civil rights, because the proper legal regulation is necessary for their proper functioning.
The research of the nature, the role and functioning of the electronic money in Ukraine are engaged by researchers as Y. Grytsiuk, I. Trubin, A. Isaev, M. Savluk, S. Derevyanko, A. Chepur, etc. Most scholars study electronic money as an economic category, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of electronic money as a means of payment, but a rather small amount of scientific works devoted precisely to the civilizational peculiarities of this phenomenon
The article clarifies the civil legal features of electronic money in comparison with cash and non-cash money, as well as the place of electronic money among objects of civil rights.
The study of the peculiarities of electronic money is accompanied by the discovery of a large number of theoretical and practical problems and separate discussion issues of important application significance. As the number of e-money users increases with the development of e-commerce, protecting their interests requires proper civil and financial regulation. Comparing electronic money with cash and non-cash money, we found that they, by combining the benefits of the other two forms of money, actually became the third specific monetary formReferences
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