State and legal support of mechanisms for stimulating production of organic agricultural products
organic farming, legislation, agricultural products, subsidy state support of agricultureAbstract
The current state of development of production of organic products in Ukraine and analysis of its normative and legal support proves the imperfection of state regulation in this area, in particular, in terms of state support. Among the main reasons for the slow development of this economic sector in Ukraine, one can identify: the imperfection of the current legislation on the development of the organic sector, in particular, in relation to labeling, certification and state-legal mechanisms for stimulating the production of organic products; lack of priority of state support for organic agriculture; low demand for organic products in the domestic market of the country. The article analyzes legal support of direct financial and indirect state support of organic agriculture of Ukraine and foreign countries, deficiencies of organizational and legal mechanisms for stimulating the production of organic products, provides recommendations for the development of their perspective directions, proposes amendments to the existing national legislation in the area of improving indirect state support measures. It is concluded that in order to achieve the tasks set by the state in the field of organic agriculture development, in addition to improving regulatory and legal adjustment of these relations, in particular in the field of state support, other measures of organizational and legal incentives for organic production should be implemented, which will promote the emergence of interest both from the farmers, and consumers, focusing on the increased demand for such products. But, given the importance of the state in the development of the studied relations, first of all, it is necessary to create a special state authority (committee, department, etc.), responsible for the development, implementation and control of state policy in the field of organic agriculture, and secondly, to determine the general vector state policy in this area, indicating specific directions and ways of their implementation through the adoption of the National Program for the Development of Organic Production.
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