Legal provision of protection of lands for forestry purposes
measures, protection, lands, landed resourcesAbstract
The article is devoted to the complex research of the actual issues of legal protection of lands of forestry purposes in the conditions of modern land reform. Particular attention is paid to the system of legal protection of land for forestry purposes. Fundamental importance is given to legal measures for the protection of land under forestry, since the establishment of an effective system of measures is one of the key ways of implementing state policy in the field of land protection.
System analysis of the legislation in the field of management in the field of use and protection of forestry lands allows to state that it is in the stage of formation and needs improvement. The existing management system has drawbacks that consist of duplication of management functions that are split between individual executive authorities. It is found out that without the state's proper management of land functions, it is impossible to implement measures for the protection of land for forestry purposes.
The system of measures on the guard of earths has general character, that contains such measures which behave to earths of any category in composition the landed fund of Ukraine. Consequently, the indicated measures can be named base which do not take into account a specific and features of concrete category of earths and directed on support and providing as quantitative so high-quality indexes of earths.
It is necessary to select the next groups of measures on the guard of lands of forest fund. Except for base, fastened Law of Ukraine «On the guard of earths», by the Landed code of Ukraine, it is necessary to select general measures, which touch the guard of lands of forest fund and forests, which are on them. Yes, it is the state complex system of supervision; creation of ecological network; national and regional program of the use and guard of earths development; compensation of losses of lands of forest fund production. The noted group of general measures not only touches as earths so the forests, and also has intercommunication between itself.
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