English for law university students at the epoch of global cultural and professional communication


  • Olga Petrova
  • Natalia Popova




English for specific purposes, competence approach, law university students, globalization


The article describes peculiarities of teaching English for specific purposes to the law university students under conditions of globalized English-medium communication. Specificity of legal-related activity, which is mostly connected with communication with people, accentuates importance of communicative professional competence and its component – English communicative professional competence. Communivative approach provides simulation of real activities, the skilled teacher should maintain classroom communication stimulating interlocutors to response, to act in the imposed professional situations promoting solution of the cognitive tasks associated with the law subject-matters. 


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How to Cite

Petrova, O., & Popova, N. (2017). English for law university students at the epoch of global cultural and professional communication. Problems of Legality, (138), 237–246. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.138.108988



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