Classification of economic and legal remedies for the realization of the state regional policy




state regional policy, economic and legal remedies, government order, public-private partnership, special modes of management


The article is devoted to the study of the economic and legal mechanism for ensuring the functioning of the state regional policy in Ukraine. The existing legal and regulatory framework on the availability in it necessary and sufficient conceptual apparatus, a list of economic and legal items or the effective implementation of the state regional policy is analyzed. The main defects of the legislation regulating the state regional policy are defined.

State regional policy is a fragment of social and economic policies in the scale of its specific administrative units – regions, and in content – by the means of a synthesis of economic and legal methods aimed at solving problems of state investment, innovation, foreign trade, sectoral policies, where the economic and legal means are regarding the economic part of this policy. It was substantiated that the efficiency of national regional policy depends on how successfully the state can combine and integrate all the directions and types of policies and especially their economic and legal means.

It is established, that the general means of state regulation are defined in the Commercial Code of Ukraine as a key. However, there is a need to identify and consolidate the entire system of economic and legal means of state regulation that can be applied in the implementation of the state regional policy and to determine the specific implementation mechanisms. It was found that for all state regional policy objects the universal are such economic law enforcement actions as a public-private partnership and special modes of management.

Author Biography

Лілія Сергіївна Тертишна, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Researcher of the Economic Law Department


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How to Cite

Тертишна, Л. С. (2017). Classification of economic and legal remedies for the realization of the state regional policy. Problems of Legality, (138), 70–77.



Economic law. Financial law