Object of crime prevention as a fundamental criminological problem





research, theoretic and applied issues, the object of crime prevention and the object of preventive influence


Object of crime prevention is one of the main elements of the system of crime prevention, subjects of which can’t function efficiently and carry out their tasks without a comprehension of the object’s concept and genesis, its characteristics, classification, that needs a fundamental both theoretic and applied researches.

Some aspects of the object’s problem had been investigated by criminologists of soviet and postsoviet period. But they considered the object of crime prevention as a synonym of a concept of «reasons and conditions» of crime.

The goal of the article is to research issues, connected with the problem of crime prevention and prevention influence more detailed.

Based on the analysis of scientific works of such criminologists as H. A. Avanesov, H. M. Min’kovs’kyj, K. Ye. Ihoshev, A. P. Zakaliuk and others, the author concluded, that the concept of “the object of crime prevention” came on in the 70th of ХХ century and typically had been distinguished like a generalized concept of different negative phenomena and processes; groups of criminogenic persons; branches of national economy, territories, microenvironment etc., which are aggravate by crime marks. On the assumption of practice, especially prevention activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ bodies, the concept «an object» is more capacious and understandable instead of abstractive and abstruse concept of «reasons, conditions, correlates», «cause to effect» etc.

There is a difference between the object of crime prevention and the object of preventive influence. These concepts are close, but not identical. The object of crime prevention are criminogenic phenomena, which in various ways determines types or groups of crime (alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, neglect, poverty, unemployment, mercenary criminality, crimes against public safety, vandalism, pedophilia, defects of the legal adjusting and a lot of others). The object of preventive influence is a subjectified activity of subjects. It means on which specificate and science defined phenomena their preventive efforts are direct. Such phenomena, as usual, have a negative, but not criminogenic character.

Author Biography

Володимир Васильович Голіна, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Full Professor, Full Professor of Department of Criminology and Penitentiary Law, corresponding member NAPrN Ukraine


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How to Cite

Голіна, В. В. (2017). Object of crime prevention as a fundamental criminological problem. Problems of Legality, (138), 150–160. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.138.103952



Criminal law and сriminology. Criminal procedure