The legal status of persons in the dwelling or other private property of which the search is carried out




, the right to inviolability of the dwelling or other private property of a person, appeal against actions of the investigator during the search, search, investigative action, protection of the the rights and legal interests of a person


The article is devoted to legal regulation of procedural rights and obligations of persons in a dwelling or other private property of which the search is carried out. Analyzed enforcement practice of Ukraine and the European court of human rights, foreign criminal procedure law, clarified the shortcomings of the normative regulation of the legal status of the individual, which can interfere with the right to inviolability of the home or other private property of a person. Suggestions to amend the current legislation with the provisions of the voluntary disclosure of the objects specified in the resolution, or the indication of the location of the person sought.

Author Biography

Ірина Вегера-Іжевська, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine, Kharkiv

Post Graduate Student, Department of Criminal Procedure and Investigative Activities


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How to Cite

Вегера-Іжевська, І. (2017). The legal status of persons in the dwelling or other private property of which the search is carried out. Problems of Legality, (137), 157–167.



Criminal law and сriminology. Criminal procedure