Some of the determination of guilt as a mandatory feature of the subjective side of separatism
the subjective side of the crime, wine, direct intent, intellectual moment, strong-willed moment, separatism, bases of national security of UkraineAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the subjective side of the crime. Existing positions in the science of criminal law concerning this element of the crime were studied. The article used the most accurate definitions in the study of this topic. In addition, a superficial analysis of the elements of the subjective side of the crime was carried out, but the author paid special attention to the study of the main category – fault. The whole section of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regulates the issue of determining the fault in law, in addition, the norms of international law determine the importance of this element of the subjective side of the crime. The wine in its turn has a rather complex structure, which is also fixed by the rules of criminal law. In the process of research, based on the scientific developments of scientists dealing with the issue of studying the problems of qualification of crimes against the bases of national security of Ukraine, conclusions were drawn about the commission of acts solely with direct intent. Not the last place in the article is given to the question of intellectual and strong-willed moments that characterize guilt in the form of direct intent.
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