The economic and legal mechanism of realization of the state regional policy


  • Лілія Сергіївна Тертишна Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine



state regional policy, subjects of organizational and economic powers, economic and legal remedies, public-private partnership, state program of regional development


The article is devoted to the analysis of legal subjects of the state regional policy, which in the mechanism of its implementation exercises organizational and economic powers. It is defined, that state and local authorities, that enforce basic and special regulation methods in accordance with the state regional policy, are vested with that sort of powers. The list of the state remedies to influence on economic activity, that subjects of organizational and economic powers use in order to implement the state regional policy, is defined in Article 12 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine. However, there are special remedies such as public-private partnership and special modes of management that should be defined as the basic resources of implementing of the state regional policy. The existence of such remedies requires a more detailed research of the effectiveness of their impact on economic activity and the possible necessity to supplement the subject composition of the state regional policy and expansion of organizational and economic powers of that sort of subjects.

Author Biography

Лілія Сергіївна Тертишна, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Researcher of the Economic Law Department


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How to Cite

Тертишна, Л. С. (2017). The economic and legal mechanism of realization of the state regional policy. Problems of Legality, (137), 56–65.



Economic law