Choice of the subject of comparative historical and legal research: issues of methods




method, subject of comparative historical and legal research, object of historical and legal comparison, type of comparison


Methodical aspects of the choice of comparative historical and legal research subject are considered. Specific requirements, in particular ones for the choice of the country (countries) of origin of historical and legal objects; for the definition of the objects of comparative historical and legal analysis; for the choice of the type (types) of comparison besides the general requirements to the formulation of the subject of future scientific work related to the definition of its relevance, problematical character and а scientific novelty are analysed. Consecutive consideration of the key parameters influencing the choice of the topic of comparative research in the article is aimed at improving the methodical support of scientific activity in the field of historical and legal comparativistics

Author Biography

Денис Анатолійович Шигаль, Yaroslav Мudryi National Law University, Ukraine, Kharkiv

PhD in Law, Assistant professor, Assistant professor of the History of State and Law for Ukraine and foreign countries Department


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How to Cite

Шигаль, Д. А. (2017). Choice of the subject of comparative historical and legal research: issues of methods. Problems of Legality, (137), 32–43.

