Legislative providing of introduction of single organ of management by regional forces of public law enforcement


  • Микола Орлов Національна академія Національної гвардії України, Ukraine




legislative providing, single organ of management, force of public peace, internal safety of the state.


The necessity of the legislative providing of introduction of general single organ of management is reasonable by regional forces of public law enforcement in Ukraine. Essence of single organ of management is exposed by mark forces. The mechanism of creation of such organ and necessity of him are considered legislatively to inculcate in practice. The row of legislative documents offers with the purpose of introduction of single organ of management. Directions of further research are certain such as: legislative accompaniment of transition from function-legislatively to inculcate in practice. The row of legislative documents offers with the purpose of introduction of single organ of management. Directions of further research are certain such as: legislative accompaniment of transition from function-normatively-structural met legislatively to inculcate in practice. The row of legislative documents offers with the purpose of introduction of single organ of management.

Directions of further research are certain such as: legislative had of creation of any public or military management authority; about the necessity of legislative claim of norms of treatment of information the public servants of management organs for difficult terms.

Author Biography

Микола Орлов, Національна академія Національної гвардії України

доктор наук з державного управління, доцент


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How to Cite

Орлов, М. (2016). Legislative providing of introduction of single organ of management by regional forces of public law enforcement. Problems of Legality, (133), 91–97. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.133.72680



Administrative, land and labor law