Historical stages of formation of the idea about prisoner’s rights protection





the rights of prisoners, protection of prisoners rights, provide of rights, legal status of prisoner, basic rights of prisoner


The article is devoted to the study historical stages of the idea aboutprisoner’s rights protection. Institute of prisoner’s rights protection have beenanalized as especial feature which have natural basis in human consciousness. Protection of prisoner’s rights interpreted as a mechanism human’s security andit’s a fundamental needs of people.

It has studied generation of human rights idea and found out that thehistorical passing of it doesn’t same as stage prisoner’s rights protection. Established the fact that prisoner’s right protection is latest law notion than humanrights and scientific and legal grounding of it to divide on two stage: first - subjectively intimidating. In that stage we have some examples will of one's ownand unlimited power in execution action. The sole decisions of the monarchs (king, prince etc.) is basic kind of “court” and punishment.

The second stage is subject-specific stage. There is a person of prisoner andarise a punishment law (even executive code) and another laws which regulatecourt process and using sanctions. When the subject did executive action totransforming in new public relations with new content and purpose.

Author Biography

М. В. Романов, National University "Yaroslav Mudryi Law Academy"

Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Романов, М. В. (2020). Historical stages of formation of the idea about prisoner’s rights protection. Problems of Legality, (150), 173–186. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.150.207395

